Economic journalism

DPI's mission is to improve local economic development by improving governance (particularly on the local level), government transparency and accountability, increase citizens' involvement in governance and strengthening informational exchange between the public and the government, particularly on economic issues.

In addition to working with key international donors, leading coalitions on the national level, as well as local levels in all regions of the country, DPI partners will work to improve local self government, improve information on the need to increase budget transparency, and increase understanding of what is a "meaningful citizen."

In three previous years, CIPE worked with the Kyrgyzstan Stock Exchange Press Club (KSEPC) to lead economic journalism training programs, which were successful in educating journalists in key economic issues around the country. The projects were designed and led by the "economic journalism guru" Ms. Nadezhda Dobretsova, who was KSEPC's "Public" President. Due to a management change in the KSEPC, the priorities of this organization have changed to be supportive of work with economic journalists than previous management. At the same time, DPI has requested CIPE's assistance in this area. Within this project CIPE has shifted its economic journalism partnership to DPI, where senior management is well-known to CIPE, including Ms. Nadezhda Dobretsova, who serves as DPI's Chairperson of the Board. During the last two trips to Kyrgyzstan, CIPE program staff met with DPI's senior management, which requested the new economic journalism partnership with CIPE.

As part of its new partnership with CIPE, DPI worked jointly with KSEPC in co-hosting the first-ever international economic journalism conference in Kyrgyzstan in October 2011 with 112 participants from 10 countries. The conference, co sponsored by CIPE, OSCE and Soros - Kyrgyzstan, was entitled Financial Literacy and Economic Journalism as Factors of Poverty Reduction, Social Stability and Economy Growth. 

In 2012 DPI continues working with Bishkek and regional journalists who are specialized in economic journalism. 

Details you can find in Projects

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